Monday, July 5, 2010

Where did the time go?

It's hard for me to believe I've already been in Africa for a month. It's even harder to believe that I only have 21 days left in this beautiful place. I don't know where all this time is going, I just know it's going way too fast. 

Even though I've heard over 8 languages since I've been here (and can't pronounce the names of the cities I've visited or the names of many people I've met), I feel like South Africa is my home away from home. I love the people here. I can't even begin to explain all the things God is teaching me during my time here. 

I do know that what's happening here, what I have the chance to be involved in with OM, is what I'm supposed to do with my life. I don't know where I'll be after university, but I know I'll be somewhere involved with missions. 

Over the past few weeks I've had the chance to help out with a Youth Conference called TeenStreet, be involved with running a Kid's Club, play soccer with kids, get to know some of the most encouraging people I've ever met, watch soccer all the time (I love the world cup), and also begin designing characters for a kid's campaign. I've seen poverty, I've seen grace, I've seen sacrifice, I've seen God answer prayer after prayer. 

I won't be able to upload pictures much anymore while I'm here, but quite a few of the photos I've been taking are up on OM South Africa's blog. (go to Blog, then to pictures, then TeenStreet or Orientation 2 or something like that. I didn't take all the pictures there, but quite a few of them. 

Sorry for the lack of stories and details. It's just hard to get on here, and when I get the chance, I'm usually pretty tired from a wonderful day :) 

Cannot wait to share about all of this in person. 

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